Bronze Tone Maxi Tone Jar Cream With Cocoa Butter- Price in Kenya
KSh 750 KSh 1,000
Bronze / Maxi TONE with Cocoa Butter and Honey Extracts Lightening Cream Jar Honey and cocoa butter gives this new formula. It’s unique moisturising and radiating effect. Bronze Tone with UV protection also reduces unwanted spots and harmonies your complexion giving it a pleasant bronze aspect. For the best results with the complete bronze tone product line.
Bronze Tone Maxi Tone Jar Cream With Cocoa Butter- Price in Kenya
Bronze / Maxi TONE with Cocoa Butter and Honey Extracts Lightening Cream Jar Honey and cocoa butter gives this new formula. It’s unique moisturising and radiating effect. Bronze Tone with UV protection also reduces unwanted spots and harmonies your complexion giving it a pleasant bronze aspect. For the best results with the complete bronze tone product line.
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